Sanjiv Reejhsinghani
Attorney Sanjiv Reejhsinghani is a 2011 graduate of Western New England University School of Law in Springfield, MA, and has been an active member of SABAC since 2009, having volunteered and/or attended almost every SABAC Awards Dinner since that year. While in law school, Sanjiv co-founded, and was the first President, of the South Asian Law Students Association (SALSA) chapter. He was also the 2010 recipient of the Connecticut Hispanic Bar Association (CHBA) Student Health Law Award.
Attorney Reejhsinghani is also a graduate of the 2018-2019 Massachusetts Bar Association (MBA) Leadership Academy, and he currently serves as a member of the MBA Business Law Section Council, along with 15 other attorneys across the state. Furthermore, he is the Justice of the Central Connecticut Alumni Chapter of Phi Alpha Delta (P.A.D.) Law Fraternity, International, which is the largest law fraternity in the United States. Attorney Reejhsinghani is also very active with the Hampden County (Mass.) Bar Association, and specifically within the Real Estate Section and the New Lawyers Section. His solo practice focuses mainly on transactional, real estate, and landlord-tenant-based law.